Fulham Community Centre

Latest Past Events

Innerpiece – Art Therapy

Fulham Community Centre 19 Fitch Road, FULHAM

Inner is about your inner self and your inner experiences ​Piece is about the missing or fragmented pieces of oneself and about bringing the pieces together for a deeper understanding of self. ​Connection is connecting the pieces of yourself to find inner peace and create connection with yourself and others. Art therapy workshops are a way of developing ...

Arts Psychotherapy with Raphael

Fulham Community Centre 19 Fitch Road, FULHAM

One-on-one psychotherapy sessions involving arts and crafts, with a highly trained therapist (GDipAP, BBSci, BA). Arts Psychotherapy works through art rather than talking, making it ideal for dealing with things that are hard to talk about or that we don't have words for. No artistic skill is required, and all ages are welcome. Some relevant ...

Art Class

Fulham Community Centre 19 Fitch Road, FULHAM

Learn to create with your heart & hands and discover moments of calm. This Art class is for everyone: whether you paint everyday or haven't for a while because life gets busy or never painted at all. Your teacher will demonstrate techniques, answer any questions and mostly will guide and encourage you to let those ...